Giovanni Delfino

Giovanni Delfino
Giovanni A. Delfino is a dynamic small business advocate, accomplished business development consultant, educator, and influential public speaker. He is also an Emmy-Award-winner TV host and an esteemed economic analysis contributor to various respected news media outlets.
Since founding DelfinoCo in 2013, Giovanni has been dedicated to driving small business development, fostering the integration of Latino businesses, and advancing economic growth. With extensive expertise in business development, market behavior analysis, consumer behavior and decision-making, and economic policy, Giovanni has helped countless companies achieve their goals.
Through DelfinoCo, Giovanni has provided top-notch consulting services, organized successful signature conferences, published an outstanding business news and information platform, and produced high-quality business news shows and segments for radio, television, and digital media.
Giovanni earned his associate degree in Business Administration and International Business from Montgomery College, followed by a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a minor in political science from the University of Maryland Global Campus.
As an active business leader, Giovanni has contributed to and collaborated with a diverse range of business organizations, associations, and government agencies, including chambers of commerce, small business development centers, and economic development organizations.
His exceptional leadership and dedication to excellence have earned DelfinoCo the Outstanding Small Business of the Year award from the Maryland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He was awarded an Emmy Award in the Business Category for the production and hosting of “El Alma del Negocio - El Alma del Cafe” episode. He was also awarded “Small Business Advocate of the Year” by Genica Magazine. Additionally, Giovanni was honored to contribute as an expert speaker to Women Entrepreneurs of the Americas, a program created by the Obama Administration to promote women entrepreneurship in the Americas, through the US State Department and U.S. embassies in Latin America.
Giovanni has also been instrumental in developing the Maryland Sister State Program with Piura (Peru) as an appointed founding member by Governor Larry Hogan. He served as Board Member, Marketing and Communications Committee Chair, and Capital Regional Committee Chair of the Maryland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, Giovanni served as an Associate Professor for the MBA in Digital Business at the Private University of Bolivia (UPB), Board Member of Carlos Rosario International Charter Schools and Chair of Finance, Mentor for the University of Maryland USG Equity Incubator, and the George Mason University Business School Center of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Refugee and Immigrant Success through Entrepreneurship Program.
With his extensive experience, exceptional leadership, and deep commitment to excellence, Giovanni is a true asset to any organization or individual seeking to achieve their business objectives.