MDHCC’s mission is to promote the establishment, growth, prosperity, and retention of Hispanic businesses, and those entities and persons that support them in the State of Maryland
The purpose of the MDHCC is to serve the Hispanic business community by promoting business opportunities, executive training, and access to resources, coaching, and capital.
MDHCC empowers the Hispanic business community in the State of Maryland through business development, legislative support, B2B connections, membership, and sponsorships. Partnerships ensure success for all.

While building business relationships in 1986, several dedicated Hispanic leaders realized the enormous potential of the Hispanic business community in the State of Maryland and envisioned the need for a state-wide organization to represent its interests before the public and private sectors. Later that year, the Maryland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (MDHCC) was incorporated in the state of Maryland, creating a structured organization aimed at developing a business network that would provide the Hispanic community with cohesion and strength. Since its inception, the MDHCC has worked towards bringing the issues and concerns of the state’s thousands of Hispanic-owned businesses to the forefront of the state’s economic agenda.
Throughout its nearly four decades, the Chamber has enjoyed outstanding working relationships with the Governor, the state legislature and its leaders, Members of Maryland’s Congressional delegation and the current and former White House Administrations. Through its association with a network of local Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and Hispanic business organizations, the MDHCC effectively communicates the needs and potential of Hispanic enterprises to the public and private sector in several ways including:
- Implementing and strengthening state programs that assist the economic development of Hispanic firms;
- Increasing business relationships and partnerships between the corporate sector and Hispanic-owned businesses;
- Promoting international trade between Hispanic businesses in the United States and Latin America;
- Monitoring legislation, policies and programs that affect the Hispanic business community; and providing technical assistance to Hispanic business associations and entrepreneurs.